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GCC Stack Frames

08 Jun 2018

What I learned from doing the OpenRISC GCC port, defining the stack frame

This is a continuation on my notes of things I learned while working on the OpenRISC GCC backend port. The stack frame layout is very important to get right when implementing an architecture’s calling conventions. If not we may have a compiler that works fine with code it compiles but cannot interoperate with libraries produced by another compiler.

For me I figured this would be most difficult as I am horrible with off by one bugs. However, after learning the whole picture I was able to get it working.

In this post we will go over the two main stack frame concepts:

  • Registers - The GCC internal and hard register numbers pointing into the stack
  • Stack Layout - How memory layout of the stack is defined

Or1k Stack Frame


Stack registers are cpu registers dedicated to point to different locations in the stack. The content of these registers is updated during function epilogue and prologue. In the above diagram we can see the pointed out as AP, HFP, FP and SP.

Virtual Registers

GCC’s first glimpse of the stack.

These are created during the expand and eliminated during vreg pass. By looking at these we cat understand the whole picture: Offsets, outgoing arguments, incoming arguments etc.

The virtual registers are GCC’s canonical view of the stack frame. During the vregs pass they will be replaced with architecture specific registers. See details on this in my discussion on GCC important passes.

Macro GCC OpenRISC

Real Registers (Sometimes)

The stack pointer will pretty much always be a real register that shows up in the final assembly. Other registers will be like virtuals and eliminated during some pass.

Macro GCC OpenRISC
STACK_POINTER_REGNUM The hard stack pointer register, not defined where it should point Points to the last data on the current stack frame. i.e. 0(r1) points next function arg[0]
FRAME_POINTER_REGNUM (FP) Points to automatic/local variable storage Points to the first local variable. i.e. 0(FP) points to local variable[0].
HARD_FRAME_POINTER_REGNUM The hard frame pointer, not defined where it should point Points to the same location as the previous functions SP. i.e. 0(r2) points to current function arg[0]
ARG_POINTER_REGNUM Points to current function incoming arguments For OpenRISC this is the same as HARD_FRAME_POINTER_REGNUM.

Stack Layout

Stack layout defines how the stack frame is placed in memory.


Eliminations provide the rules for which registers can be eliminated by replacing them with another register and a calculated offset. The offset is calculated by looking at data collected by the TARGET_COMPUTE_FRAME_LAYOUT macro function.

On OpenRISC we have defined these below. We allow the frame pointer and argument pointer to be eliminated. They will be replaced with either the stack pointer register or the hard frame pointer. In OpenRISC there is no argument pointer so it will always need to be eliminated. Also, the frame pointer is a placeholder, when elimination is done it will be eliminated.

Note GCC knows that at some optimization levels the hard frame pointer will be omitted. In these cases HARD_FRAME_POINTER_REGNUM will not selected as the elimination target register. We don’t need to define any hard frame pointer eliminations.

Macro GCC OpenRISC
ELIMINABLE_REGS Sets of registers from, to which we can eliminate by calculating the difference between them. We eliminate Argument Pointer and Frame Pointer.
INITIAL_ELIMINATION_OFFSET Function to compute the difference between eliminable registers. See implementation below



#define ELIMINABLE_REGS					\

  do {							\
    (OFFSET) = or1k_initial_elimination_offset ((FROM), (TO)); \
  } while (0)


or1k_initial_elimination_offset (int from, int to)
  HOST_WIDE_INT offset;

  /* Set OFFSET to the offset from the stack pointer.  */
  switch (from)
    /* Incoming args are all the way up at the previous frame.  */
      offset = cfun->machine->total_size;

    /* Local args grow downward from the saved registers.  */
      offset = cfun->machine->args_size + cfun->machine->local_vars_size;

      gcc_unreachable ();

    offset -= cfun->machine->total_size;

  return offset;

Stack Section Growth

Some sections of the stack frame may contain multiple variables, for example we may have multiple outgoing arguments or local variables. The order in which these are stored in memory is defined by these macros.

Note On OpenRISC the local variables definition changed during implementation from upwards to downwards. These are local only to the current function so does not impact calling conventions.

For a new port is recommended to define FRAME_GROWS_DOWNWARD as 1 as it is usually not critical to the target calling conventions and defining it also enables the Stack Protector feature. The stack protector can be turned on in gcc using -fstack-protector, during build ensure to --enable-libssp which is enabled by default.

Macro GCC OpenRISC
STACK_GROWS_DOWNWARD Define true if new stack frames decrease towards memory address 0x0. 1
FRAME_GROWS_DOWNWARD Define true if increasing local variables are at negative offset from FP. Define this to enable the GCC stack protector feature. 1
ARGS_GROW_DOWNWARD Define true if increasing function arguments are at negative offset from AP for incoming args and SP for outgoing args. 0 (default)

Stack Section Offsets

Offsets may be required if an architecture has extra offsets between the different register pointers and the actual variable data. In OpenRISC we have no such offsets.

Macro GCC OpenRISC

Outgoing Arguments

When a function calls another function sometimes the arguments to that function will need to be stored to the stack before making the function call. For OpenRISC this is when we have more arguments than fit in argument registers or when we have variadic arguments. The outgoing arguments for all child functions need to be accounted for and the space will be allocated on the stack.

On some architectures outgoing arguments are pushed onto and popped off the stack. For OpenRISC we do not do this we simply, allocate the required memory in the prologue.

Macro GCC OpenRISC
ACCUMULATE_OUTGOING_ARGS If defined, don’t push args just store in crtl->outgoing_args_size. Our prologue should allocate this space relative to the SP (as per ARGS_GROW_DOWNWARD). 1
CUMULATIVE_ARGS A C type used for tracking args in the TARGET_FUNCTION_ARG_* macros. int
INIT_CUMULATIVE_ARGS Initializes a newly created CUMULALTIVE_ARGS type. Sets the int variable to 0
TARGET_FUNCTION_ARG Return a reg RTX or Zero to indicate when to start to pass outgoing args on the stack. See implementation
FUNCTION_ARG_REGNO_P Returns true of the given register number is used for passing outgoing function arguments. r3 to r8 are OK for arguments
TARGET_FUNCTION_ARG_ADVANCE This is called during iterating through outgoing function args to account for the next function arg size. See implementation

Further Reading

These references were very helpful in getting our calling conventions right:

GCC Important Passes

03 Jun 2018

What I learned from doing the OpenRISC GCC port, a deep dive into passes

When starting the OpenRISC gcc port I had a good idea of how the compiler worked and what would be involved in the port. Those main things being

  1. define a new machine description file in gcc’s RTL
  2. define a bunch of description macros and helper functions in a .c and .h file.

I realized early on that trouble shooting issues requires understanding the purpose of some important compiler passes. It was difficult to understand what all of the compiler passes were. There are so many, 200+, but after some time I found there are a few key passes to be concerned about; lets jump in.

Quick Tips

  • When debugging compiler problems use the -fdump-rtl-all-all and -fdump-tree-all-all flags to debug where things go wrong.
  • To understand which passes are run for different -On optimization levels you can use -fdump-passes.
  • The numbers in the dump output files indicate the order in which passes were run. For example between test.c.235r.vregs and test.c.234r.expand the expand pass is run before vregs, and there were no passes run inbetween.
  • The debug options -S -dp are also helpful for tying RTL up with the output assembly. The -S option tells the compiler to dump the assembler output, and -dp enables annotation comments showing the RTL instruction id, name and other useful statistics.

Glossary Terms

  • We may see cfg thoughout the gcc source, this is not configuration, but control flow graph.
  • Spilling is performed when there are not enough registers available during register allocation to store all scope variables, one variable in a register is chosen and spilled by saving it to memory; thus freeing up a register for allocation.
  • IL is a GCC intermediate language i.e. GIMPLE or RTL. During porting we are mainly concerned with RTL.
  • Lowering are operations done by passes to take higher level language and graph representations and make them more simple/lower level in preparation for machine assembly conversion.
  • Predicates part of the RTL these are used to facilitate instruction matching the. Having these more specific reduces the work that reload needs to do and generates better code.
  • Constraints part of the RTL and used during reload, these are associated with assembly instructions used to resolved the target instruction.


Passes are the core of the compiler. To start, there are basically two types of compiler passes in gcc:

  • Tree - Passes working on GIMPLE.
  • RTL - Passes working on Register Transfer Language.

GCC Passes

There are also Interprocedural analysis passes (IPA) which we will not get into, as I don’t really know what they are. You can find a list of all passes in gcc/passes.def.

In this post we will concentrate on the RTL passes as this is what most of our backend port influences. The passes interesting for our port are:

  • expand
  • vregs
  • split
  • combine
  • ira
  • LRA/reload

An Example

In order to illustrate how the passes work we have the following example C snippet of code. We will compile it and inspect the output of each stage.

int func (int a, int b) {
  return 2 * a + b;

When compiled with or1k-elf-gcc -O0 -c ../func.c the output is:

$ or1k-elf-objdump -dr func.o

func.o:     file format elf32-or1k

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <func>:
   0:   9c 21 ff f0     l.addi r1,r1,-16      ; Adjust stack pointer
   4:   d4 01 10 08     l.sw 8(r1),r2         ; Save old frame pointer
   8:   9c 41 00 10     l.addi r2,r1,16       ; Adjust frame pointer
   c:   d4 01 48 0c     l.sw 12(r1),r9        ; Save link register
  10:   d7 e2 1f f0     l.sw -16(r2),r3       ; Store arg[0]
  14:   d7 e2 27 f4     l.sw -12(r2),r4       ; Store arg[1]
  18:   86 22 ff f0     l.lwz r17,-16(r2)     ; Load arg[1]
  1c:   e2 31 88 00     l.add r17,r17,r17
  20:   e2 71 88 04     l.or r19,r17,r17
  24:   86 22 ff f4     l.lwz r17,-12(r2)     ; Load arg[0]
  28:   e2 33 88 00     l.add r17,r19,r17
  2c:   e1 71 88 04     l.or r11,r17,r17
  30:   84 41 00 08     l.lwz r2,8(r1)        ; Restore old frame pointer
  34:   85 21 00 0c     l.lwz r9,12(r1)       ; Restore link register
  38:   9c 21 00 10     l.addi r1,r1,16       ; Restore old stack pointer
  3c:   44 00 48 00     l.jr r9               ; Return
  40:   15 00 00 00     l.nop 0x0

Lets walk though some of the RTL passes to understand how we arrived at the above.

The Expand Pass

During passes there is a sudden change from GIMPLE to RTL, this change happens during expand/rtl generation pass.

There are about 55,000 lines of code used to handle expand.

   1094 gcc/stmt.c     - expand_label, expand_case
   5929 gcc/calls.c    - expand_call
  12054 gcc/expr.c     - expand_assignment, expand_expr_addr_expr ...
   2270 gcc/explow.c
   6168 gcc/expmed.c   - expand_shift, expand_mult, expand_and ...
   6817 gcc/function.c - expand_function_start, expand_function_end
   7327 gcc/optabs.c   - expand_binop, expand_doubleword_shift, expand_float, expand_atomic_load ...
   6641 gcc/emit-rtl.c
   6631 gcc/cfgexpand.c - pass and entry poiint is defined herei expand_gimple_stmt
  54931 total

The expand pass is defined in gcc/cfgexpand.c. It will take the instruction names like addsi3 and movsi and expand them to RTL instructions which will be refined by further passes.

Expand Input

Before RTL generation we have GIMPLE. Below is the content of func.c.232t.optimized the last of the tree passes before RTL conversion. An important tree pass is Static Single Assignment (SSA) I don’t go into it here, but it is what makes us have so many variables, note that each variable will be assigned only once, this helps simplify the tree for analysis and later RTL steps like register allocation.

func (intD.1 aD.1448, intD.1 bD.1449)
  intD.1 a_2(D) = aD.1448;
  intD.1 b_3(D) = bD.1449;
  intD.1 _1;
  intD.1 _4;

  _1 = a_2(D) * 2;
  _4 = _1 + b_3(D);
  return _4;

Expand Output

After expand we can first see the RTL. Each statement of the gimple above will be represented by 1 or more RTL expressions. I have simplified the RTL a bit and included the GIMPLE inline for clarity.

Tip Reading RTL. RTL is a lisp dialect. Each statement has the form (type id prev next n (statement)).

(insn 2 5 3 2 (set (reg/v:SI 44) (reg:SI 3 r3)) (nil))

For the instruction:

  • insn is the expression type
  • 2 is the instruction unique id
  • 5 is the instruction before it
  • 3 is the next instruction
  • 2 I am not sure what this is
  • (set (reg/v:SI 44) (reg:SI 3 r3)) (nil) - is the expression

Back to our example, this is with -O0 to allow the virtual-stack-vars to not be elimated for verbosity:

This is the contents of func.c.234r.expand.

;; func (intD.1 aD.1448, intD.1 bD.1449)
;; {
;;   Note: First we save the arguments
;;   intD.1 a_2(D) = aD.1448;
(insn 2 5 3 2 (set (mem/c:SI (reg/f:SI 36 virtual-stack-vars) [1 a+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 3 r3 [ a ])) "../func.c":1 -1

;;   intD.1 b_3(D) = bD.1449;
(insn 3 2 4 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 36 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int 4 [0x4])) [1 b+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 4 r4 [ b ])) "../func.c":1 -1

;;   Note: this was optimized from x 2 to n + n.
;;   _1 = a_2(D) * 2;
;;    This is expanded to:
;;     1. Load a_2(D)
;;     2. Add a_2(D) + a_2(D) store result to temporary
;;     3. Store results to _1
(insn 7 4 8 2 (set (reg:SI 45)
        (mem/c:SI (reg/f:SI 36 virtual-stack-vars) [1 a+0 S4 A32])) "../func.c":2 -1
(insn 8 7 9 2 (set (reg:SI 46)
        (plus:SI (reg:SI 45)
            (reg:SI 45))) "../func.c":2 -1
(insn 9 8 10 2 (set (reg:SI 42 [ _1 ])
        (reg:SI 46)) "../func.c":2 -1

;;  _4 = _1 + b_3(D);
;;   This is expanded to:
;;    1. Load b_3(D)
;;    2. Do the Add and store to _4
(insn 10 9 11 2 (set (reg:SI 47)
        (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 36 virtual-stack-vars)
                (const_int 4 [0x4])) [1 b+0 S4 A32])) "../func.c":2 -1
(insn 11 10 14 2 (set (reg:SI 43 [ _4 ])
        (plus:SI (reg:SI 42 [ _1 ])
            (reg:SI 47))) "../func.c":2 -1

;; return _4;
;;  We put _4 into r11 the openrisc return value register
(insn 14 11 18 2 (set (reg:SI 44 [ <retval> ])
        (reg:SI 43 [ _4 ])) "../func.c":2 -1
(insn 18 14 19 2 (set (reg/i:SI 11 r11)
        (reg:SI 44 [ <retval> ])) "../func.c":3 -1
(insn 19 18 0 2 (use (reg/i:SI 11 r11)) "../func.c":3 -1

The Virtual Register Pass

The virtual register pass is part of gcc/function.c file which has a few different passes in it.

$ grep -n 'pass_data ' gcc/function*

gcc/function.c:1995:const pass_data pass_data_instantiate_virtual_regs =
gcc/function.c:6486:const pass_data pass_data_leaf_regs =
gcc/function.c:6553:const pass_data pass_data_thread_prologue_and_epilogue =
gcc/function.c:6747:const pass_data pass_data_match_asm_constraints =

Virtual Register Output

Here we can see that the previously seen variables stored to the frame at virtual-stack-vars memory locations are now being stored to memory offsets of an architecture specifc register. After the Virtual Registers pass all of the virtual-* registers will be eliminated.

For OpenRISC we see ?fp, a fake register which we defined with macro FRAME_POINTER_REGNUM. We use this as a placeholder as OpenRISC’s frame pointer does not point to stack variables (it points to the function incoming arguments). The placeholder is needed by GCC but it will be eliminated later. On some arechitecture this will be a real register at this point.

;; Here we see virtual-stack-vars replaced with ?fp.
(insn 2 5 3 2 (set (mem/c:SI (reg/f:SI 33 ?fp) [1 a+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 3 r3 [ a ])) "../func.c":1 16 {*movsi_internal}
(insn 3 2 4 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 33 ?fp)
                (const_int 4 [0x4])) [1 b+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 4 r4 [ b ])) "../func.c":1 16 {*movsi_internal}
(insn 7 4 8 2 (set (reg:SI 45)
        (mem/c:SI (reg/f:SI 33 ?fp) [1 a+0 S4 A32])) "../func.c":2 16 {*movsi_internal}
(insn 8 7 9 2 (set (reg:SI 46)
        (plus:SI (reg:SI 45)
            (reg:SI 45))) "../func.c":2 2 {addsi3}
(insn 9 8 10 2 (set (reg:SI 42 [ _1 ])
        (reg:SI 46)) "../func.c":2 16 {*movsi_internal}
(insn 10 9 11 2 (set (reg:SI 47)
        (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 33 ?fp)
                (const_int 4 [0x4])) [1 b+0 S4 A32])) "../func.c":2 16 {*movsi_internal}
;; ...

The Split and Combine Passes

The Split passes use define_split definitions to look for RTL expressions which cannot be handled by a single instruction on the target architecture. These instructions are split into multiple RTL instructions. Splits patterns are defined in our machine description file.

The Combine pass does the opposite. It looks for instructions that can be combined into a signle instruction. Having tightly defined predicates will ensure incorrect combines don’t happen.

The combine pass code is about 15,000 lines of code.

14950 gcc/combine.c

The IRA Pass

The IRA and LRA passes are some of the most complicated passes, they are responsible to turning the psuedo register allocations which have been used up to this point and assigning real registers.

The Register Allocation problem they solve is NP-complete.

The IRA pass code is around 22,000 lines of code.

  3514 gcc/ira-build.c
  5661 gcc/ira.c
  4956 gcc/ira-color.c
   824 gcc/ira-conflicts.c
  2399 gcc/ira-costs.c
  1323 gcc/ira-emit.c
   224 gcc/ira.h
  1511 gcc/ira-int.h
  1595 gcc/ira-lives.c
 22007 total

IRA Pass Output

We do not see many changes during the IRA pass in this example but it has prepared us for the next step, LRA/reload.

(insn 21 5 2 2 (set (reg:SI 41)
        (unspec_volatile:SI [
                (const_int 0 [0])
            ] UNSPECV_SET_GOT)) 46 {set_got_tmp}
     (expr_list:REG_UNUSED (reg:SI 41)
(insn 2 21 3 2 (set (mem/c:SI (reg/f:SI 33 ?fp) [1 a+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 3 r3 [ a ])) "../func.c":1 16 {*movsi_internal}
     (expr_list:REG_DEAD (reg:SI 3 r3 [ a ])
(insn 3 2 4 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 33 ?fp)
                (const_int 4 [0x4])) [1 b+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 4 r4 [ b ])) "../func.c":1 16 {*movsi_internal}
     (expr_list:REG_DEAD (reg:SI 4 r4 [ b ])

(insn 7 4 8 2 (set (reg:SI 45)
        (mem/c:SI (reg/f:SI 33 ?fp) [1 a+0 S4 A32])) "../func.c":2 16 {*movsi_internal}
(insn 8 7 9 2 (set (reg:SI 46)
        (plus:SI (reg:SI 45)
            (reg:SI 45))) "../func.c":2 2 {addsi3}
     (expr_list:REG_DEAD (reg:SI 45)
(insn 9 8 10 2 (set (reg:SI 42 [ _1 ])
        (reg:SI 46)) "../func.c":2 16 {*movsi_internal}
     (expr_list:REG_DEAD (reg:SI 46)
(insn 10 9 11 2 (set (reg:SI 47)
        (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 33 ?fp)
                (const_int 4 [0x4])) [1 b+0 S4 A32])) "../func.c":2 16 {*movsi_internal}
;; ...

The LRA Pass (Reload)

The Local Register Allocator pass replaced the reload pass which is still used by some targets. OpenRISC and other modern ports use only LRA. The purpose of LRA/reload is to make sure each RTL instruction has real registers and a real instruction to use for output. If the criteria for an instruction is not met LRA/reload has some tricks to change and instruction and “reload” it in order to get it to match the criteria.

The LRA pass is about 17,000 lines of code.

  1816 gcc/lra-assigns.c
  2608 gcc/lra.c
   362 gcc/lra-coalesce.c
  7072 gcc/lra-constraints.c
  1465 gcc/lra-eliminations.c
    44 gcc/lra.h
   534 gcc/lra-int.h
  1450 gcc/lra-lives.c
  1347 gcc/lra-remat.c
   822 gcc/lra-spills.c
 17520 total

During LRA/reload constraints are used to match the real target inscrutions, i.e. "r" or "m" or target speciic ones like "O".

Before and after LRA/reload predicates are used to match RTL expressions, i.e general_operand or target specific ones like reg_or_s16_operand.

If we look at a test.c.278r.reload dump file we will a few sections.

  • Local
  • Pseudo live ranges
  • Inheritance
  • Assignment
  • Repeat
********** Local #1: **********
            0 Non-pseudo reload: reject+=2
            0 Non input pseudo reload: reject++
            Cycle danger: overall += LRA_MAX_REJECT
            0 Non-pseudo reload: reject+=2
            0 Non input pseudo reload: reject++
            alt=1: Bad operand -- refuse
            0 Non-pseudo reload: reject+=2
            0 Non input pseudo reload: reject++
            alt=2: Bad operand -- refuse
            0 Non-pseudo reload: reject+=2
            0 Non input pseudo reload: reject++
            alt=3: Bad operand -- refuse
         Choosing alt 4 in insn 2:  (0) m  (1) rO {*movsi_internal}

The above snippet of the Local phase of the LRA/reload pass shows the contraints matching loop for RTL insn 2.

To understand what is going on we should look at what is insn 2, from our input. This is a set instruction having a destination of memory and a source of register type, or "m,r".

(insn 2 21 3 2 (set (mem/c:SI (reg/f:SI 33 ?fp) [1 a+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 3 r3 [ a ])) "../func.c":1 16 {*movsi_internal}
     (expr_list:REG_DEAD (reg:SI 3 r3 [ a ])

RTL from .md file of our *movsi_internal instruction. The alternatives are the constraints, i.e. "=r,r,r,r, m,r".

(define_insn "*mov<I:mode>_internal"
  [(set (match_operand:I 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=r,r,r,r, m,r")
        (match_operand:I 1 "input_operand"        " r,M,K,I,rO,m"))]
  "register_operand (operands[0], <I:MODE>mode)
   || reg_or_0_operand (operands[1], <I:MODE>mode)"
   l.or\t%0, %1, %1
   l.movhi\t%0, hi(%1)
   l.ori\t%0, r0, %1
   l.xori\t%0, r0, %1
   l.s<I:ldst>\t%0, %r1
   l.l<I:ldst>z\t%0, %1"
  [(set_attr "type" "alu,alu,alu,alu,st,ld")])

The constraints matching interates over the alternatives. As we remember from above we are trying to match "m,r". We can see:

  • alt=0 - this shows 1 loser because alt 0 r,r vs m,r has one match and one mismatch.
  • alt=1 - is indented and says Bad operand meaning there is no match at all with r,M vs m,r
  • alt=2 - is indented and says Bad operand meaning there is no match at all with r,K vs m,r
  • alt=3 - is indented and says Bad operand meaning there is no match at all with r,I vs m,r
  • alt=4 - is as win as we match m,rO vs m,r

After this we know exactly which target instructions for each RTL expression is neded.

End of Reload (LRA)

Finally we can see here at the end of LRA/reload all registers are real. The output at this point is pretty much ready for assembly output.

(insn 21 5 2 2 (set (reg:SI 16 r17 [41])
        (unspec_volatile:SI [
                (const_int 0 [0])
            ] UNSPECV_SET_GOT)) 46 {set_got_tmp}
(insn 2 21 3 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 2 r2)
                (const_int -16 [0xfffffffffffffff0])) [1 a+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 3 r3 [ a ])) "../func.c":1 16 {*movsi_internal}
(insn 3 2 4 2 (set (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 2 r2)
                (const_int -12 [0xfffffffffffffff4])) [1 b+0 S4 A32])
        (reg:SI 4 r4 [ b ])) "../func.c":1 16 {*movsi_internal}
(insn 7 4 8 2 (set (reg:SI 16 r17 [45])
        (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 2 r2)
                (const_int -16 [0xfffffffffffffff0])) [1 a+0 S4 A32])) "../func.c":2 16 {*movsi_internal}
(insn 8 7 9 2 (set (reg:SI 16 r17 [46])
        (plus:SI (reg:SI 16 r17 [45])
            (reg:SI 16 r17 [45]))) "../func.c":2 2 {addsi3}
(insn 9 8 10 2 (set (reg:SI 17 r19 [orig:42 _1 ] [42])
        (reg:SI 16 r17 [46])) "../func.c":2 16 {*movsi_internal}
(insn 10 9 11 2 (set (reg:SI 16 r17 [47])
        (mem/c:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 2 r2)
                (const_int -12 [0xfffffffffffffff4])) [1 b+0 S4 A32])) "../func.c":2 16 {*movsi_internal}
;; ...


We have walked some of the passes of GCC to better understand how it works. During porting most of the problems will show up around expand, vregs and reload passes. Its good to have a general idea of what these do and how to read the dump files when troubleshooting. I hope the above helps.

Further Reading

OpenRISC GCC Status Update

16 May 2018

News flash, the OpenRISC GCC port now can run “Hello World”

After about 4 months of development on the OpenRISC GCC port rewrite I have hit my first major milestone, the “Hello World” program is working. Over those 4 months I spent about 2 months working on my from scratch dummy SMH port then 2 months to get the OpenRISC port to this stage.

Next Steps

There are still many todo items before this will be ready for general use, including:

  • Milestone 2 items
    • Investigate and Fix test suite failures, see below
    • Write OpenRISC specific test cases
    • Ensure all memory layout and calling conventions are within spec
    • Ensure sign extending, overflow, and carry flag arithmetic is correct
    • Fix issues with GDB debugging target remote is working OK, target sim is having issues.
    • Implement stubbed todo items, see below
    • Support for C++, I haven’t even tried to compile it yet
  • Milestone 3 items
    • Support for position independent code (PIC)
    • Support for thread local storage (TLS)
    • Support for floating point instructions (FPU)
    • Support for Atomic Builtins

Somewhere between milestone 2 and 3 I will start to work on getting the port reviewed on the GCC and OpenRISC mailing lists. If anyone wants to review right now please feel free to send feedback.

Test Suite Results

Running the gcc testsuite right now shows the following results. Many of these look to be related to internal compiler errors.

                === gcc Summary ===

# of expected passes            84301
# of unexpected failures        5096
# of unexpected successes       3
# of expected failures          211
# of unresolved testcases       2821
# of unsupported tests          2630
/home/shorne/work/gnu-toolchain/build-gcc/gcc/xgcc  version 9.0.0 20180426 (experimental) (GCC)

Stubbed TODO Items

Some of the stubbed todo items include:

Trampoline Handling

In gcc/config/or1k/or1k.h implement trampoline hooks for nested functions.

#define TRAMPOLINE_ALIGNMENT (abort (), 0)

Profiler Hooks

In gcc/config/or1k/or1k.h implement profiling hooks.


Exception Handler Hooks

In gcc/config/or1k/or1k.c ensure what I am doing is right, on other targets they copy the address onto the stack before returning.

/* TODO, do we need to just set to r9? or should we put it to where r9
   is stored on the stack?  */
or1k_expand_eh_return (rtx eh_addr)
  emit_move_insn (gen_rtx_REG (Pmode, LR_REGNUM), eh_addr);

OpenRISC GCC rewrite

03 Feb 2018

I am working on an OpenRISC GCC port rewrite, here’s why.

For the past few years I have been working as a contributor to the OpenRISC CPU project. My work has mainly been focused on developing interest in the project by keeping the toolchains and software maintained and pushing outstanding patches upstream.

I have made way getting Linux SMP support, the GDB port, QEMU fixes and other patches written, reviewed and committed to the upstream repositories.

However there is one project that has been an issue from the beginning; GCC. OpenRISC has a mature GCC port started in early 2000s. The issue is it is not upstream due to one early contributor not having signed over his copyright. I decided to start with the rewrite. To do this I will:

If you are interested please reach out on IRC or E-mail.


See my articles on the progress of the project.

Further Reading

Debugging GDB in GDB

19 May 2017

For the last year or so I have been working on getting a gdb port upstreamed for OpenRISC. One thing one sometimes has to do when working on gdb is to debug it. Debugging gdb with gdb could be a bit confusing; hopefully these tips will help.

Setting the Prompt

Setting the prompt of the parent gdb will help so you know which gdb you are in by looking at the command line. I do that with set prompt (master:gdb) , (having space after the (master:gdb) is recommended).

Handling SIGINT

Handling ctrl-c is another thing we need to consider. If you are in your inferior gdb and you press ctrl-c which gdb will you stop? The parent gdb or the inferior gdb?

The parent gdb will be stopped. If we then continue the inferior will continue. If we want to have the inferior stop as well we can set handle SIGINT pass.

All together

An example session may look like the following

$ gdb or1k-elf-gdb

(gdb) set prompt (master:gdb)

(master:gdb) handle SIGINT
SIGINT is used by the debugger.
Are you sure you want to change it? (y or n) y
Signal        Stop      Print   Pass to program Description
SIGINT        Yes       Yes     No              Interrupt

(master:gdb) handle SIGINT pass
SIGINT is used by the debugger.
Are you sure you want to change it? (y or n) y
Signal        Stop      Print   Pass to program Description
SIGINT        Yes       Yes     Yes             Interrupt

(master:gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/local/or1k/bin/or1k-elf-gdb
(gdb) file loop.nelib
Reading symbols from loop.nelib...done.

(gdb) target sim
Connected to the simulator.

(gdb) load
Loading section .vectors, size 0x2000 lma 0x0
Loading section .init, size 0x28 lma 0x2000
Loading section .text, size 0x4f88 lma 0x2028
Loading section .fini, size 0x1c lma 0x6fb0
Loading section .rodata, size 0x18 lma 0x6fcc
Loading section .eh_frame, size 0x4 lma 0x8fe4
Loading section .ctors, size 0x8 lma 0x8fe8
Loading section .dtors, size 0x8 lma 0x8ff0
Loading section .jcr, size 0x4 lma 0x8ff8
Loading section .data, size 0xc74 lma 0x8ffc
Start address 0x100
Transfer rate: 254848 bits in <1 sec.

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/shorne/work/openrisc/loop.nelib
Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
or1k32bf_engine_run_fast (current_cpu=0x7fffee59c010) at mloop.c:577
577       if (! CPU_IDESC_SEM_INIT_P (current_cpu))
Missing separate debuginfos, use: dnf debuginfo-install expat-2.2.0-1.fc25.x86_64 libgcc-6.3.1-1.fc25.x86_64 libstdc++-6.3.1-1.fc25.x86_64 ncurses-libs-6.0-6.20160709.fc25.x86_64 python-libs-2.7.13-1.fc25.x86_64 xz-libs-5.2.2-2.fc24.x86_64 zlib-1.2.8-10.fc24.x86_64

(master:gdb) bt
#0  or1k32bf_engine_run_fast (current_cpu=0x7fffee59c010) at mloop.c:577
#1  0x0000000000654395 in engine_run_1 (fast_p=1, max_insns=<optimized out>, sd=0xd68a60) at ../../../binutils-gdb/sim/or1k/../common/cgen-run.c:191
#2  sim_resume (sd=0xd68a60, step=0, siggnal=<optimized out>) at ../../../binutils-gdb/sim/or1k/../common/cgen-run.c:108
#3  0x00000000004392d1 in gdbsim_wait (ops=<optimized out>, ptid=..., status=0x7fffffffc910, options=<optimized out>) at ../../binutils-gdb/gdb/remote-sim.c:1015
#4  0x0000000000600c6d in delegate_wait (self=<optimized out>, arg1=..., arg2=<optimized out>, arg3=<optimized out>) at ../../binutils-gdb/gdb/target-delegates.c:138
#5  0x000000000060ff64 in target_wait (ptid=..., status=status@entry=0x7fffffffc910, options=options@entry=0) at ../../binutils-gdb/gdb/target.c:2292
#6  0x000000000057e9d9 in do_target_wait (ptid=..., status=status@entry=0x7fffffffc910, options=0) at ../../binutils-gdb/gdb/infrun.c:3618
#7  0x0000000000589658 in fetch_inferior_event (client_data=<optimized out>) at ../../binutils-gdb/gdb/infrun.c:3910
#8  0x0000000000548b1c in check_async_event_handlers () at ../../binutils-gdb/gdb/event-loop.c:1064
#9  gdb_do_one_event () at ../../binutils-gdb/gdb/event-loop.c:326
#10 0x0000000000548c05 in gdb_do_one_event () at ../../binutils-gdb/gdb/common/common-exceptions.h:221
#11 start_event_loop () at ../../binutils-gdb/gdb/event-loop.c:371
#12 0x000000000059be78 in captured_command_loop (data=data@entry=0x0) at ../../binutils-gdb/gdb/main.c:325
#13 0x000000000054ab73 in catch_errors (func=func@entry=0x59be50 <captured_command_loop(void*)>, func_args=func_args@entry=0x0, errstring=errstring@entry=0x711a00 "", mask=mask@entry=RETURN_MASK_ALL)
    at ../../binutils-gdb/gdb/exceptions.c:236
#14 0x000000000059cda6 in captured_main (data=0x7fffffffca60) at ../../binutils-gdb/gdb/main.c:1150
#15 gdb_main (args=args@entry=0x7fffffffcb90) at ../../binutils-gdb/gdb/main.c:1160
#16 0x000000000040c265 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at ../../binutils-gdb/gdb/gdb.c:32

(master:gdb) c

Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
main () at loop.c:22
22          while (1) { ; }

(gdb) bt
#0  main () at loop.c:22

(gdb) l
17        tdata.str = "loop";
18        foo(tdata);
20        while (1) {
21          printf("%s\n", tdata.str);
22          while (1) { ; }
23        }
24        return 0;
25      }

(gdb) q
A debugging session is active.

        Inferior 1 [process 42000] will be killed.

Quit anyway? (y or n) y
[Inferior 1 (process 24876) exited normally]
(master:gdb) q

Other Options

You could also remote debug gdb from a different terminal by using attach to attach to and debug the secondary. But I find having everything in one terminal nice.

Further References