Its the first day of my spring vacation and I figured I better get some things done. Today, I was planning on going down to CitiBank and seeing about my options with the bank accounts here in China. I have been looking for a single bank which offers the following:
- RMB Savings (Deposit RMB)
- Credit Card
- Able to remove USD (using current market exchange rate, no raping on the fees)
- Accessable work wide
This sounds reasonable, but most banks in china do not offer and RMB to foreign currency exchange. This makes it difficult for me when I need to travel. I did some research online and found I could apply for an RMB Savings online. After applying I waited for a response and got none. I have decided to just go in tomorrow, in person.
Later in the day I set up qmail on my machine. I need to set it up so I can get familiar with it while tracking down a bug at work. Final results:
- I have a new email address:
- Mail is delivered straight to my laptop
- My mail is gathered by fetchmail then delivered locally using qmail
- All mail is first dropped into my ~/Mailbox mbox queue (This is handy for reading mail remotely using the mail command)
- I can use mail to quickly send mail from my new mail account
- Evolution can pick up all the mail from the mbox queue
The overall setup was easy, just had to create a .fetchmailrc .mailrc and compile and configure qmail. One tip: RTFM
What a busy day